Service Comptrollership

The main objective of the Service Comptrollership in the Costa Rica Tourism Board is to promote continuous improvement with efficacy and efficiency in the procurement of services this institution provides, in order to satisfy in an adequate, opportune, and equal manner the way in which the legitimate demands of our users are dealt with.

This unit is appointed to the Executive Presidency, and is a part of the National System of Service Comptrollerships that coordinates the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, as established in Law No. 9158.

This Service Comptrollership is also in charge of dealing with business related to Law No. 8220 and its Regulations, in what relates to the Office of Information for Citizens. This is why we are gladly at the disposal of every citizen, both national and foreigner, in the tourism sector to provide information and guidance regarding the institution, but especially in matters related to processes and services that, by law, regulation, decree or other standard, we are obliged to provide.


Derechos y Deberes

Última Modificación: 27/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo