Performs activities related to the creation, update, and follow-up of the National Development Plan for tourism, and other plans and policies.
Objective of the department:
Performs activities related to the creation, update, and follow-up of the National Development Plan for Tourism, and other plans and policies that make it up
Some of its tasks are:
Provide support to municipal governments in relation to the creation and revision of Coastal Regulation Plan Proposals, issuing technical recommendations to the Board of Directors for the approval of national coastal planning; participate in coastal planning creation processes promoted by other institutions or organizations of the accredited state for this purpose.
Participate in technical training processes of municipal employees in concessions and formalization of concession dossiers.
Use Systems designed for concession dossier revision processes, use specialized software to perform its tasks like Geographic Information Systems to perform national planning tasks, in both, coastal zones and the interior of the country, use Global Positioning Systems, and Autocad.
Create and update of General and Development Tourism Plans in the Tourism Planning Units.
Train coastal municipalities in the interpretation processes of the valid Regulatory Plans.