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National Education Commission



1º—Executive Decree No. 21011-P-TUR-E from February 13, 1992 created the National Commission for Hotel and Tourism Education as an inter-institutional entity to promote quality, modernization, and adaptation in the professional and technical education of the human resources. It also tends to the touristic demand in our country, an activity that nourishes our main industry and is a source of foreign currency: Tourism, the foundation of the comprehensive development of Costa Rican society.

2º—Due to the last training demands required by the growth of the Tourism Industry, and given the objective of our country to offer a high quality tourism service that can differentiate and position Costa Rica as a destination of excellence, the professional and technical training programs need to be strengthened and modernized in this field, as well as broadened to the new disciplines incorporated in the array of services.

3º—In view of the above, it is important to amend the Decree of Creation of the National Commission for Hotel and Tourism Education, Executive Decree No. 21011-P-TUR-E from February 13, 1992, in order to introduce the necessary modifications so the organism can implement and promote high quality parameters of modernization in Costa Rican tourism training and education.


"Section 1º—Creation of the National Commission for Hotel and Tourism Education, in charge of orienting, counseling, recommending, and reviewing every curricular program related to training, education, and coaching of human resources for the tourism industry."


a) Orient higher education institutions and any other institution in charge of careers for the professional training of human resources necessary for the development of the tourism industry.

b) Counsel in the definition and creation of curricular programs of careers and courses in tourism and hotel training, and those related, and provide counsel to the Training Unit of the Costa Rica Tourism Board for the adequate orientation of its programs, as well as those requested by the Ministry of Public Education and the National Learning Institute.

c) Permanently review the curricular programs of public and private entities in charge of offering careers and courses in tourism and hotel training, in order to suggest their adaptation to the new demands of the tourism sectors, and the specifications required by the labor market of the tourism industry. (…)"

d) Design and implement with the legally relevant entities, a Certification Program of Curricular Quality for the professional training and education programs in tourism and related topics, in order to comply with the objectives in the first Section of the present decree."

"For the duly compliance of the aforementioned tasks, the Commission will have the right to any specialized counseling deemed necessary. Furthermore, it will promote periodic research in the fields specifically and directly related to the activities of said tasks."

The National Commission for Hotel and Tourism Education is the institutional body, promoter of quality, modernization, and adaptation of the professional and technical education of human resources, in charge of tending to the tourist demand in our country, created by Executive Decree No. 21011-P-TUR-E from February 13, 1992, and amended by  Decree No. No33378-MEP-TUR from August 17, 2006.