Press Trips


As a part of the strategic objectives of the Marketing Plan that promote internal tourism and create awareness in Costa Ricans regarding the benefits of vacationing in Costa Rica, the press tour program was created for the national media and correspondents from international news agencies.

These activities are organized with the Costa Rica Tourism Board Marketing Macro-Process, the Promotion area and the Public Relations teams, with the support of the chambers of tourism from the places visited and the tourism entrepreneurs in the areas, in order to recommend rural and sustainable destinations and tourism products to the important media networks for their duly dissemination. All this represents a constant search to promote destinations so tourists are informed on other options to visit.


This includes every communication activity that generates international features and articles that help consolidate the image of the country. Its objective is the promotion of the tourism product and the planning units of the country through the creation of articles and documentaries in the main international press media.

International press is an important influence with the media because the productions and writings by foreign journalists influence readers directly, providing reliability to the information in the feature.

To accomplish this objective as best as possible, the staff selects the different media, this selection is based on recommendations from Public Relations agencies, Embassies, and contacts generated from participations in different international fairs.

In the international press, journalists are essential because they advertise the country abroad, boasting about its tourist attractions, sustainability, rural tourism, the meeting and congress market, culture, adventure, art, ecotourism, and the niches of gastronomy, health and wellbeing, sun and surf, scuba diving, sports fishing, families, cruises, honey moons and weddings, through their physical or digital publications, like articles, documentaries, photo-features, videos, etc.

The familiarization programs implemented by this area owe their success to the transfer of the journalists from their country of origin to Costa Rica, as well as to the transportation provided within the country to the different areas of interest, and the food, lodging, entrance to national parks, and recommendations on places to visit, all this so they can write features that highlight the different attractions in the country.

Última Modificación: 27/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo