
This section includes statistical information about the sector, like tourist profiles by entrance route for non-residents and residents in Costa Rica, amount and profile of cruise passengers, as well as characteristics of internal tourists.

Surveys of tourist profiles entering the country by the different routes are revealed during the first trimester of the ongoing year.

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Main characteristics of Resident (national) tourists and Non-Residents (foreign) according to surveys done in both international airports Juan Santamaria and Daniel Oduber.

Cruises (Maritime Ports):

Main characteristics of tourists according to surveys done in the Caribbean and Pacific ports during the second semester.

Terrestrial (Borders):

Main characteristics of Resident (national) tourists and Non-Residents (foreign) according to surveys done in the border crossing point in Peñas Blancas (Nicaragua) and Paso Canoas (Panama).


Non-Residents (Foreigners)

Cruises (Maritime Ports)


Non-Residents (Foreigners):
Última Modificación: 18/09/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo