Tickets to visit Poás will be sold online


  • The sales will be carried out exclusively via the site
  •  Tourists will be able to purchase tickets to enter this Friday, August 31.
  •  The system will facilitate access on the daily schedule from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  •  The modernization efforts seek to provide security measures for visitors to the volcano

Volcán Poás National Park will be opening its doors once more with a modern online booking system through, which seeks to ensure safe, controlled access.

It is essential to purchase tickets before visiting, as they will not be sold in the park the way they were before the park’s closure.

Entry to the park will be enabled starting this Friday, August 31, with tickets available for purchase online as of this Wednesday.

The Vice-Minister of the Environment, Pamela Castillo, explained that this method of purchasing tickets – similar to the one used in Chirripó National Park – is part of a series of recommendations made by the National Commission of Emergencies in their comprehensive proposal for safe and orderly access to the park.

Castillo noted that an initial limit of 10 tickets per transaction will be put in place, and that groups of 50 visitors will be organized. Each group will be able to enjoy a view of the crater from the lookout for a maximum of 20 minutes.

This time limit at the crater is part of a measure that will allow this national park to have an effective response capacity in the event of a possible emergency, said Castillo, who has been leading the process from MINAE with intense coordination between institutions, non-governmental organizations and the communities around the volcano.

A series of actions aiming at responsible risk management were implemented in order to re-open this conservation area. They include the acquisition of safety equipment such as masks and helmets, the construction of safety refuges and the purchase of real-time gas monitors.

For safety reasons, neither the paths nor the picnic areas will be open during the first stage. The cafe and souvenir shops will also remain closed.

         Online booking system

The system is similar to the one used in Chirripó National Park. To purchase tickets, visitors must register with a username and reserve the date and time they wish to visit the volcano.

It is essential to purchase tickets before visiting, as they will not be sold in the park as they traditionally were.

The cost of admission is:

  • ₡1,000 for citizens and residents
  • ₡500 for children of citizens and residents (aged 2-12)
  • $15 for non-residents
  • $5 for children of non-residents (aged 2-12)
  • ₡500 for citizens and residents in primary and secondary school on field trips organized by educational centers that have been coordinated in advance with the administration of the protected area.
  • Children under 2 years of age and citizens and residents over the age of 65 enter free of charge.
  • ***For security reasons, it is not recommended for people with health problems to enter at this time; children under 12 and adults over 65 are also advised not to enter.

The daily schedule will be from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In the event of a possible emergency that prevents access to the park, tourists can use the ticket to visit another national park. Reimbursements will not be made.

Children under 12 and people with limitations due to health or age are not advised to visit the massif at this time.

Steps to purchasing tickets

  1. Enter the site and click on the section “On line booking”.
  2. If you are a first-time user, enter the information required and click.
  3. In the “Purchase Requisition” section, select “Parque Nacional Volcán Poás”, as well as your preferred date and schedule, depending on the availability at the time. Please note the number of tickets required and the admission type. You must accept the terms and conditions.
  4. On the next screen, please enter the following information for each ticket you are purchasing:
  • The name and ID number of the person or people for whom you are buying the tickets.
  • Origin (local or foreign)
  1. Enter your debit or credit card information. Once the system has processed payment, you will receive a payment confirmation and a reservation number, which you must present at the park entrance.
  2. If you are traveling in a personal vehicle, remember that you must pay for parking once you reach the park.

That’s it! Volcán Poás National Park is waiting for you. Enjoy your visit!


Última Modificación: 27/07/2024.
Instituto Costarricense de Turismo