P. 68

 Picturesque towns Return to map
 end of the 19th century, one because a plantation of chili peppers was developed from the scattered seeds of the chili peppers that they used to season their meals and another because it was a meeting place to talk about adventures, anecdotes and chiles (awkward or funny situation or experience) .
Upala is a small city with 15,000 inhabitants, head of the Alajuela canton of the same name. It is located 238 km from San José through Cañas, Guanacaste and 9 km south of the Nicaraguan border and is more related to the Chorotega region more by means of communication than by geographical location.
During pre-Hispanic times it was occupied by the Voto Indians who obeyed Cacique Garavito. It was at the same time a refuge for indigenous people escaping from the Spaniards due to its distance from the ports and the difficult access even through Nicaraguan territory, which is why the Spaniards lost interest in its conquest. It was not until the end of the 19th century that settlers from Rivas and San Carlos de Nicaragua began to migrate in search of the rubber tree to extract the product and market it in their country. Over time they settled and began subsistence farming activities. Costa Rican settlers from Guanacaste migrated starting from the second decade of the twentieth century in search of fertile land and eventually unified with Nicaraguan settlers.
Located in a region of extensive lowlands, Upala’s economy is primarily agricultural. It is the main area of the country in the production of dairy and beef cattle, as well as rice and beans. Many businessmen visit this area for the exchange of ideas and marketing
of products. Today, people drive through this area to reach Caño Negro and Los Chiles.
Upala has experienced enormous growth in the Dos Ríos district sector, especially in Gavilán of Dos Ríos, in the foothills of the Rincón de la Vieja Volcano National Park. There you will find resorts such as SENSORIA, BLUE RIVER, KIWANDA, waterfalls and more.
Rincón de la Vieja Chamber of Tourism, and tour operators such as Gavilán Tours and La Carreta are found here. In the center of Upala there are quality restaurants, hotels and lodges, and the VOCARE integral farm and lodging project, to mention a few. Upala is one of the richest and most beautiful cantons of the Northern Lowlands.
The head city of the Guatuso canton is San Rafael, located at an altitude of 50 m, making it a true example of the climate of the Northern Lowlands. It is a community located on the banks of the Frio River and offers tourists some commercial and tourist services to stay and from there, visit sites of tourist interest such as Caño Negro and the indigenous territories of Margarita, Tonjibe and El Sol, as well as recreational trips along the river, which according to history, was the means of communication and transportation for people from Nicaragua who came to these lands in search of rubber.

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