P. 24

 Landmark buildings of Liberia
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 Enjoy Liberia’s colonial architectural heritage, featuring bahareque, adobe, sun doors, tiles, patios and internal courtyards, much of which is built in white.
The Calle Real: Located on the south side of the church of the Immaculate Conception Parish. Its colonial-type urban structure is characteristic of the old town, using materials such as adobe, tile, bahareque, sun doors and tile roofs. The buildings of the Calle Real include the following:
   La Antigua Gobernación
Declared a Relic of Historical and Architectural Interest in 1983. It is located on the south side of the church of the Immaculate Conception Parish. With an adobe construction dating back to 1850, it has been a witness of important historical, political and social decisions in the province of Guanacaste and currently hosts various activities that seek to preserve the cultural values of the region, including photographic exhibitions, sales
Garnier Family Complex
The complex is located 150 m east of the Antigua Gobernación. It was built in bahareque with a sheet metal roof. It has a weak neoclassical influence, which can be seen in the work of the plinths with geometric figures.
The Zúñiga Clachar House
Declared to belong to the Architectural Heritage of Costa Rica in 1999. The structure shows a neoclassical influen- ce in the geometric reliefs of the plinth (edged stone), built with adobe and a tile roof. Fretwork wood moldings are indicative of the late 19th century boom in wood technology. The interior of the house also has frescoes on the ceiling of the living room.
  of traditional performances.
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