P. 80

 Cahuita National Park
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  Natural wealth
The park was created to protect the flora and fauna on land, as well as the coral reefs and various marine ecosystems. It has one of the most well-developed coral reefs of the Caribbean coast and one of the largest in Costa Rica. It also protects an excellent example of a swamp forest with pure stands of yolillo and sangrillo. It has some of the best scenic beauty in the country, thanks to its white sand beaches, thousands of coconut trees, turquoise blue sea and coral reef.
Cahuita is located in the tropical lowland zone of the Caribbean region of Costa Rica. It can be argued that no other wilderness area in the country protects the plant and animal resources present in this region.
Coral reef
The coral reef occupies an area of 600 hectares and extends in a fan shape in front of Punta Cahuita, between the Río Perezoso and Puerto Vargas. Part of the
reef platform is submerged to about 11 meters below sea level. According to studies conducted after the earthquake of April 22, 1991, the reef platform rose by approximately 1 meter. It is the most well-developed reef on the Costa Rican Caribbean coast. Among the most striking coral species are: Acropora palmata (elkhorn), Diploria clivosa, D. strigosa (brain coral), Porites porites, P. astreoides, Montastrea cavernosa, M. faveolata, Millepora complanata, Siderastrea radians, S. siderea (starlet coral) and Agaricia agaricites (lettuce coral), the most dominant coral in the substrate at greater depths.
In addition, there are sea fans, sea urchins and an infinite array of fish of various colors and sizes.
The queen angelfish (Hoplacanthus ciliaris) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the reef. However, there are other very attractive species such as the French angelfish, the isabelita and the blue parrotfish. Other species that have their habitat here are barracuda, remora, manta rays, three species

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