P. 108

 Wellness Tourism
  The proliferation of tourist cruises is a relatively recent activity, although recreational travel by ship dates back to ancient times. The first pleasure cruises took place during the days of Ancient Egypt. In the Roman Empire, small tours would be organized around the Mediterranean Sea, to Capri or the islands of the Bay of Naples.
The arrival of cruise ships in the Limón area offers a fascinating experience, with the enormous structures arriving at the port or anchored at the dock.
Visitors have the opportunity to admire the boats of different sizes that bring tour groups from different parts of the world. Passengers disembark for a unique experience in the port of Limón’s Hernán Garrón dock. Here, they are received by Japdeva personnel and organized tour operators so that they can experience the variety of attractions and tourist services that Limón has to offer. Upon entering our country, the passengers can enjoy their
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Why are we fascinated by the Caribbean?
When we think of relaxation and tranquility, most of us imagine the majestic and immense sea, the beach and the waves. Or a damp, lush green forest, the smell of the leaves after the rain, watching the sunset from the top of a mountain or putting your feet in the sand where the only thing you can hear is the sea breeze?
This isn’t all just a dream: the Caribbean offers us a chance to escape our routine and the city. It allows us to think more clearly; the nice thing about this is that the area is not lacking in wellness services such as spas, yoga and pilates. It also includes activities that bring us into contact with nature: trekking (low difficulty hikes), forest bathing (breathing pure forest air), earthing (walking barefoot in the earth/sand), and healthy, high-quality food. These experiences offer a mix of a spa experience with of food (splunch) with local and natural products.
In the Caribbean, you can also experience novel relaxation techniques such as wraps, where your skin is moisturized using volcanic mud, coffee, tropical fruits and chocolate. Other options include hydrotherapy and thermal waters, taking advantage of our country’s water resources to renew yourself and let positive energy flow throughout your body.
This has to do with physical issues, as stress can often cause muscle tension, high blood pressure, heart problems, etc. Returning to the essence, to the ancestors, connecting with mother earth is what balances us, what allows us to eliminate everything else. There are also spiritual explanations or these experiences, which tell us that our sense of well-being when we are in nature is because we feel like part of the universe and can communicate with the divine.
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